With DELECTA CRUISES BLOG in mind we keep following our company`s philosophy of personal approach rather than adding merely a marketing boost. What brings you to our web site is your interest in cruises on the Croatian coast and, as pioneers in small ship cruising who started with the very first yacht-like ships back in 2006, we may pride ourselves on our accomplishments asking: "Who better to book your perfect cruise in Croatia with but us?"
Still, through all these years we have learned that it is actually YOU, dear friends and customers, who with your cruise reviews, emails, shared photos and personal recommendations, actually helped us shape what we do. We want to give you exactly what you need so that your cruise holiday dream come true. We, therefore, encourage you to keep contacting us, have correspondence with us, and, while reading our blog posts, get to know us; DELECTA CRUISES company, as well as destination where we live and conduct our business. We’d love to keep hearing your thoughts and ideas; e-mail them to zlatko@croatiacruise.agency .
Zlatko Jovandic